If you are going to make changes in theme codes, we suggest that you use “Child Theme” feature. Install aura-child-theme.zip file, which you can download by clicking on “All Files & documentations” link at Themeforest, to WordPress installation system, and you can make your changes on this child theme. Don’t forget that child theme will only work when it is installed together with original theme. In order to get more information about child theme, please review the sections below;
- http://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes
- Theme Development
- How to Modify WordPress Themes the Smart Way (four part series)
- How To Make Your Own Child Theme – Includes Screencast
- Guide to WordPress Child Theme Development
- How to: Create a Child Theme based on Twenty Eleven
- Customizing your WordPress theme using Firebug
- Tutorial: Child Themes basics and creating Child Themes in WordPress
- How to modify the Parent Theme behavior within the Child Theme
- Child Theme Plugins
- WordPress Child Theme The Why and How